You tube にて 動画チャンネル「中学高校英文法講座」を公開中 チャンネルページチャンネル登録はこちら



1 not so much ・・as ~ = ~ rather than ・・ (~よりむしろ)

He is not so much a scholar as a teacher.
(彼は 学者というよりむしろ教師だ)
<=He is a teacher rather than a scholar.>

2 as・・as possible/one can (できるだけ・・)

He spoke English as slowly as he could.
<=He spoke English as slowly as possible.>

3 ~times as ・・ as ~= ~times + 比較級+than ~(~の~倍の・・)

This room is three times as large as that one.
=This room is three times larger than that one.
(この部屋は あの部屋の3倍の広さがある)

4 more + 形容詞 + than + 形容詞(~というよりもむしろ・・)

She is more pretty than beautiful.

5 less ..than ~(~より・・ない)      more..than~ の反対表現

She is less active than before.
(彼女は 以前ほど活発ではない)

6 senior/junior/superior /inferior to ~(~より年上(下)優れて(劣って)

I am two years senior to him.  (私は 彼よりも2年年上です)

7 prefer A to B  (BよりAの方を好む) =like A better than B

I prefer skiing to skating. (わたしは スケートよりも スキーのほうが好きです)

8 The + 比較級 ・・ the + 比較級 ~(・・すればするほどますます~)

The higher we went up, the cooler it became.

9 (all) the + 比較級・・+because ~(~であるためにそれだけ)

I like him all the better because he has faults.
= I like him all the better for his faults.

10 none the + 比較級・・+because ~(~でもかかわらず)

I love him none the less because he has faults .
= I love him none the less for his faults.
(彼には欠点があるが やっぱり好きです)

11 no less・・than~ (~であると同様に・・である)

A whale is no less a mammal than a horse is.
(馬が哺乳動物であると同様に クジラは哺乳動物である)
